GASP 2015 Spring Drive-In - APR 28 (TUES)
Presenter: Dr. Jack Naglieri
Topic: From Assessment to Intervention: Executive Functioning and the CEFI Cognitive Processing and the CAS-2 Autism Spectrum Disorder and the ASRS
Info: Presenter and Topic Information Sheet Location: Hilton Marietta Conference Center
Rate: Based on space available- ask for "Ambassador Rate" $129 per night + tax (includes internet)
Time: From 8:30a to 4:30p
Pricing and Registration:
$75 for members, $50 for retired & student members, $100 for nonmembers
GASP thanks our sponsor of this event!
Late registration begins April 9, 2015
Conference Refund Request- Any cancellation received by April 8th will receive a full refund*. Cancellations received between April 9 and April 21, will get a refund* of 50% of amount paid. No refunds will be issued after April 21, 2015. *All cancellations will be subject to a $20 processing fee. Refund requests must be sent in writing via e-mail or regular mail to the conference registrar. If request is made by USPS mail, please allow sufficient time for mailing of your request to meet deadlines listed above. Conference Registrar - Gail Exum de Gonzalez, 911 East 42nd Street Tifton, GA 31794
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